Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sitting at Work

Well, as figured, we're SLOOOOW at work today. I've only had like 5 customers total. Oh well, I've been able to look at some things and get ideas....maybe spend some money even.

I miss being with Randall and in his arms....waking up was so lonely this morning. However, I did get to chat with my cousin Sara this morning! That was great. We updated and played catch up and just like the big cousin that she is, she gave me some advice on my relationship.

So after work today...I'm not sure what I'll do. I think I'll go home for a bit and see what mom is up to. We've not been able to spend much time together lately and I miss her! We live in the same condo and only saw each other for like a total of 20 minutes since last Sunday. Our lives are just filled with craziness. Anyway, I guess I'm going to go look thru some more magazines and find something to buy!

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