Monday, May 01, 2006


on posting that is...not on life! Things have been crazy busy this last week. Working tons! We painted the's GORGEOUS!!! LOVE IT!!! D's parents came in town this weekend. While he was working on Friday, I spent the day with his mom, dad, aunt, uncle, sister and nephew. Now, you know you're "in good" when you can spend an entire day with your significant other's family while he's not there. Not to mention, some of the comments that his dad makes! lol

*funny story* so we spent the day Friday at the Shaker Village in Harrodsburg. It was a fun day! OK, so you know that I don't know a stranger and can talk to anyone....well, his dad makes me look shy in that respect. Nancy (D's sister) and Caleb (nephew) and I are walking outside to let Caleb run. We over hear dad talking about not expecting to be back in KY ever again ( he was stationed at Ft. Knox back in the 50's). As we're walking out, you hear him say, "That's my daughter and grandson." We thought nothing of it until he says, "And that's *long pause* (I'm expecting to hear my son's girlfriend) my future daughter in law." Nancy and I about split a gut when we got outside. There has never been any mention of any kind of marriage to anyone in his family. I guess that his dad likes me and approves of me! LOL

Moving on, It was a long work week for D as he had inventory this week. It made getting up this morning a pain even though it was totally over. Our weekends just seem to fly by anymore. I know this coming one will too as we are going to Cincinnati to spend time with my family.....Does the craziness ever stop?? Well, in all actuality though, it's really not that bad and we do get to take some time to ourselves. Plus every night this week isn't booked solid as it was last week.

Ok...that's all for now. Catch ya later....maybe!

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