Friday, November 30, 2007

Get ahold of me....if you can.

I know I've been rather difficult to call lately. My phone has either been off or just plain unanswered. We've been dealing with something that is so hard....emotionally and physically.

It's kind of ironic that my last post is what it was. Especially on that day too. Why?

It was that afternoon that I learned I was miscarrying. again.

Yesterday afternoon was spent at the hospital/dr office having an ultrasound to make sure that everything had cleared as well as doing bloodwork to try and rule out the possibility of an egtopic pregnancy. I find out today what some of the levels say. From there It may mean more bloodwork on Monday. If that's the case it'll begin a series of discussions I really don't want to have. D&C. I really don't want to go there.

So yeah, if I haven't gotten your phone call...well there's a reason. If I've not responded to know why.


Unknown said...

I love my wifey!!!!!! Hang in their cheif, your silver lining is coming soon I can feel it! I love you.

Samantha said...

I love you cousin
and though I know nothing about pregnancies...I know how to love you and be here for you.
Call if you need me.

See you around Christmas?

Working Mama said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. No sappy sayings but I know you and I know your spirit and you will keep perservering until things work out. Keep your head up!