Thursday, January 05, 2006

I LOVE my job!!!

I know I said I was going to write more here, but lately I've been so excited with my Mary Kay business! It's just going wonderfully. I've set up a facial and 2 virtual parties alone today! More on the list for tomorrow. After talking with Josette, it has been decided that I am going to work my ass of and get myself into that new free car! Oh, I can't wait. Karen Hills a director I know was in her car in 8 weeks! Usually people get in their car in 4 months...but she did it in only 8 weeks. I'm not saying it's going to be that quick, but let me tell you, I'm working my ass off so that we get it soon! Josette also wants me to have my DIQ (Director-In-Qualification) papers in by seminar which is July. I plan on it. I'm going to be a director with Mary Kay THIS year! That's my goal. It's high, I know. The quote from Mary Kay Ash for the day goes along perfectly with it. Her quote is on goals. She says, "It is important for you to have a goal. You simply can't get there if you don't know where you are going! Begin to build in your mind a dream. Then write it down and make your goal realistic. Aim high enough that you will have to stretch your ability and your potential to reach it." Well, here it is I've got a dream, it's written down, and I am definatly going to have to stretch to get it accomplished.

In other good news, I got to talk to Nate both yesterday morning and this morning. He is alive and well in Iraq and will be coming home (for good this time) in August. Whew! Boy are we both glad over that one. I told him to tell me when and where and I'd be there at the airport waiting for him to come home!!

Ok, off to go get some more things for my business done!! I LOVE MY JOB!!!!

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