Monday, November 07, 2005

What a GREAT weekend!!

Oh my gosh!! This weekend was so much fun!!! It was just great to be home. Mom was totally surprised by me showing up. I went in and stood at one end of our table for a few seconds. She didn't notice me so I ran up and hugged her from behind and yelled, "Happy Birthday Mom!!" She just looked at me and said, "What the hell are you doing here?!?!" I reply, "well, it's Friday night so I'm at Rick's and it happens to be your birthday so I came home." I had a great time, one of the best time's I've had at Rick's in a VERY long time. Also Friday, one of my favorite bands ever, Dix Z Highway, was playing! I was out on the dance floor FOREVER!! I even ended up winning one of their CD's for shakin' what my momma gave me!

Saturday was great too. I went to the store and hung out for a while. It was great to see everyone! Got a HUGE sale while I was there when someone mentioned Christmas shopping. I was like, well I have all of our holiday things out in my car if you want to see them. They were like yeah! YAY for me!! $250 in about 20 minutes. I'll take that ANY day. Saturday night was Chippendales. I called GC to let him know what we were up to. His response, "nice honey, have fun!" Thanks sweetie!!WOW! Yeah it was fun, but not totally the thing you think it is. We got to Jillian's at about 730. The doors opened at 9 and we ended up getting a VIP seat at a table. The show didn't actually start until 11. They danced, but there was a lot of time spent where they had women come up on stage for a lap dance. That's all fine and dandy if you want to pay $20 for a 5 second lap dance. Yeah, not so much for me. However...I did like watching them dance!!! Here's a pic of my favorite, Lane.

Look at that YUMMY chest!!!!

Sunday was good too! I worked for Josette at her open house. Things went really well. In fact, I'm gonna drive home on Sunday again this weekend to help her out! Good for her and good for me!!! Drove back and relaxed. Woo hoo!!

Today I was in a pretty good mood at school. I needed to go to school today to get some rest from my crazy weekend. School was good today though. I was happy to be back with the kiddos! They were happy to have me back too. This evening Pamela and I went to Lexington and decided to have Outback for dinner! Yummy!! It was great and tasted so good.

I think that's about all for now. If more pops into my head...I'll write it down, maybe.

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